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Zip Codes worldwide

Postal codes internationally

Postal codes (abbreviated Zip Codes) serve primarily to facilitate the assignment of postal items such as letters and parcels. They are also used today to facilitate online searches for specific providers or industries and to optimize the use of navigation systems. Markets can also be called their customers’ postcodes more frequently in order to be able to conduct market research. There are now postcodes in most countries around the world. Sometimes the postcode doesn’t just consist of numbers, but also contains letters and special characters. Such zip codes exist, for example, in the USA, Canada, the Netherlands and Great Britain.

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The history of postcodes

The very first postcodes were probably in the old USSR, but they weren’t called that, they were called indexes. The Ukrainian Soviet Republic introduced it in 1930. In 1941 postcodes were introduced in Germany, the United States followed in 1963, Switzerland in 1964 and Austria in 1965. They are now available in around 120 countries around the world. The first German postcodes were in two digits and only served the parcel traffic and only from 1944 also the letter traffic. In 1964, four-digit postcodes were introduced in both parts of Germany, and a year later the GDR’s Deutsche Post developed its own four-digit postcodes. After reunification, it was necessary to install a new postal code system because some of them had double occupancy. It was decided to follow the example of other European countries and now to develop a five-digit system. This was introduced in 1993 and still applies today. Above all, it makes automatic mail sorting much easier.

Postcodes exist in many countries around the world. The concept of zip codes was originally developed in the United States to improve and speed up postal service. Today, however, many countries use zip codes to simplify and speed up the delivery of letters and packages.

Some of the countries that have postcodes are:

This is just a small selection of countries that have postcodes. There are many other countries that use the concept of postal codes to simplify and speed up the delivery of letters and packages.

The biggest zip code?

The size of a postal code (zip code) can be measured in a number of ways, for example by the number of addresses it contains or by the geographic area it covers. It is therefore difficult to give a definitive answer to the question of which postal code is the largest.

Some of the largest ZIP codes in terms of the number of addresses they encompass are those used for large cities or metropolitan areas. For example, the 10001 ZIP code in New York City, USA, used for the area around Fifth Avenue and Herald Square, is one of the largest ZIP codes in terms of the number of addresses it encompasses.

On the other hand, zip codes used for large geographic areas are likely to be larger than those used for smaller areas. For example, the zip code 99775 in Alaska, USA, which is used for a large area in the Northwest of the state, is probably one of the largest zip codes in relation to the geographic area it covers.

It is important to note that the size of a zip code is not necessarily indicative of the size or population density of an area. There are large postcodes used for rural areas that are less densely populated than some smaller postcodes used for city centers.

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